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    AS SETTINGS (the most useful)

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    Country : Italy
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    Posts : 651

    AS SETTINGS (the most useful) Empty AS SETTINGS (the most useful)

    Post  Dark-Stranger Thu Dec 09, 2010 9:03 pm

    bind "x" +acc
    //With this you can see the accuracy of each weapon.
    bind "x" dropflag
    //Drop the flag in ctf gametype
    bind "x" dropweapon
    //Drop the weapon in tdm gametype

    cg_weaponBarStyle "0 - 1"
    //Standard OpenArena 0.8.5 command. AfterShock mod comes with 3 additional weapon bars.
    The benefit of AfterShock's weaponbars is that they show only the weapons you can pick on specified map.
    Example: on oasago2 map weaponbar won't show BFG weapon.
    0 - standard weaponbar
    1, 2 - OA 0.8.5 setting
    3 - weapon bar on the left side
    4 - weapon bar on in the middle
    5 - weapon bar on right side

    cg_hitbeep "0 - 1 - 2 - 3" (1)
    //Sets style of hitting sound.
    0 - no hitsound
    1 - standard OA hitsound
    2 - multitone hitsounds
    3 - reversed multitone hitsounds

    s_ambient "0 - 1" (1)
    //Enables or disables ambiental sounds (like wind, burning torches etc.)
    0 - ambient sounds disabled
    1 - ambient sounds enabled

    cg_nokick "0 - 1"
    //Toggles the screen bobbing (shaking) while being hit or fell down.
    0 - shaking screen
    1 - stable screen

    cg_weaponbobbing "0 - 1" (1)
    //Toggles the weapon bobbing (shaking) while walking.
    0 - stable weapon
    1 - shaking weapon

    cg_plasmaBallAlpha "min 0, max 255"
    //Specifies the visibility of flying plasma sphere

    cg_brightItems "0 - 1"
    //Sets the bright weapon models. Every weapon model has specified color. For example Lightning Gun is all white.

    cg_autosnaps "0 - 1" (1)
    //Automatically sets snaps value to the one specified by server. It's useful since servers use different settings and having the same value as server is crucial to reduce connection lags.

    cg_autoaction "0 - 1 - 4"
    //Game will automatically do the thing(s) specified by set value.
    1 - recording demo
    2 - screenshot after game
    4 - statsfile after game

    cg_lightningStyle "0 - 1 - 2 - 3"
    //Sets the style of Lightning Gun ray.
    0 - new aftershock ray
    1 - new aftershock ray (thin)
    2 - standard OpenArena ray
    3 - very thin and simple ray

    cg_ammoWarning "1 - 2" (1)
    //Informs you when your ammo level is really low.
    1 - show onscreen message ("Low ammo warning")
    2 - play sound (click)

    cg_particles "0 - 1" (1)
    //Enable/disable Aftershocks particle system

    cg_drawRespawnTimer "0 - 1" (1)
    //cg_drawRespawnTimer 1 will enable the display of the item respawn timers, if the server setting g_allowRespawnTimer is set to 1

    cg_smoke_SG "0 - 1" (1)
    //Enables/disables shotgun smoke after a shot.


    cg_forceteammodel "0 - 1" (1)

    cg_forcemodel "0 - 1" (1)

    cg_enemymodel "smarine/pm - skelebot/pm - major/pm - sarge/pm" (sarge/pm)

    cg_teammodel "smarine/pm - skelebot/pm - major/pm - sarge/pm" (major/pm)

    cg_enemyHeadColor "red, green, yellow, dark blue, cyan, pink, white, black" (green)

    cg_enemyTorsoColor "red, green, yellow, dark blue, cyan, pink, white, black" (green)

    cg_enemyLegsColor "red, green, yellow, dark blue, cyan, pink, white, black" (green)

    cg_teamHeadColor "red, green, yellow, dark blue, cyan, pink, white, black" (white)

    cg_teamTorsoColor "red, green, yellow, dark blue, cyan, pink, white, black" (white)

    cg_teamLegsColor "red, green, yellow, dark blue, cyan, pink, white, black" (white)

    [While spectating a game]

    cg_blueteammodel "smarine/pm - skelebot/pm - major/pm - sarge/pm" (sarge/pm)

    cg_redteammodel "smarine/pm - skelebot/pm - major/pm - sarge/pm" (sarge/pm)

    cg_blueHeadColor "red, green, yellow, dark blue, cyan, pink, white, black" (blue)

    cg_blueTorsoColor "red, green, yellow, dark blue, cyan, pink, white, black" (blue)

    cg_blueLegsColor "red, green, yellow, dark blue, cyan, pink, white, black" (blue)

    cg_redHeadColor "red, green, yellow, dark blue, cyan, pink, white, black" (red)

    cg_redTorsoColor "red, green, yellow, dark blue, cyan, pink, white, black" (red)

    cg_redLegsColor "red, green, yellow, dark blue, cyan, pink, white, black" (red)


    cg_forceWeaponColor "x"
    //It's a bitmask to force the color of weapon trails / beams / projectiles;
    Example: x = grenades + lightning gun >>> 9 = 1 + 8
    1 - grenades
    2 - grenade trail
    4 - rocket trail
    8 - lightning gun / shaft
    16 - railgun trail
    32 - plasma balls

    cg_teamWeaponColor <HEX>
    //Example: <HEX> = 0xFF0000 >>> cg_teamWeaponColor 0xFF0000
    red - 0xFF0000
    yellow - 0xFFFF00
    green - 0x00FF00
    cyan - 0x00FFFF
    blue - 0x0000FF
    magenta - 0xFF00FF
    white - 0xFFFFFF
    light grey - 0xBFBFBF
    medium grey -0x808080
    dark grey - 0x404040

    cg_enemyWeaponColor <HEX>
    //Example: <HEX> = 0xFF0000 >>> cg_enemyWeaponColor 0xFF0000
    red - 0xFF0000
    yellow - 0xFFFF00
    green - 0x00FF00
    cyan - 0x00FFFF
    blue - 0x0000FF
    magenta - 0xFF00FF
    white - 0xFFFFFF
    light grey - 0xBFBFBF
    medium grey -0x808080
    dark grey - 0x404040

    *the numbers in white are the recommended values

      Current date/time is Mon Apr 29, 2024 2:44 pm